Accadian employs the following process to its research and communications projects

Accadian draws on the following specialist services, capabilities and expertise
Research and Analysis
- Qualitative and quantitative research for the development and assessment of strategic communications campaigns
- In-depth analysis of target audiences, and the dynamics and contexts that affect their media consumption and responses
- Measurement and evaluation of campaign inputs, activities, outputs and outcomes
- Monitoring and analysis of media content for socio-political discourse studies
- Generating robust data and ready access to it – to build awareness, understanding and motivation for change
Communications Strategy, Campaign Planning and Implementation
- Applying tested theory, methodology, and subject matter expertise to develop effective communications strategies
- Designing and delivering campaigns that draw on best practice in branding, PR, advertising, political communications and building social movements
Political Advocacy
- Focusing popular demand for reform through targeted direct representation to political and governmental leaders
Operational Management
- Proven expertise in leading large-scale complex, sensitive communications projects across international boundaries
- Fielding experienced teams with the ability to adapt, manage and deliver campaigns under all environmental, political or security conditions
- Training and capacity building in opinion polling, research and strategic communications
- Training activists in community mobilisation techniques
- Training journalists to report accurately, impartially and safely
Building Alliances
- Building alliances among multiple stakeholders at local, national and international level, by identifying common purpose, and by catalysing, shaping and amplifying activity.
Media Content Development and Production
- Development of optimised platforms and products for online, mobile, broadcast, print and outdoor media, along with live events management
Media Buying and Partnership
- Understanding of, and reach into, regional and national paid media markets at all levels, to optimise campaign deployment, cost-effectiveness and leverage
- Brokering sponsorship and partnership deals for joint ventures
- Monitoring systems to ensure compliance with paid media schedules